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Consider a web page of width 1000px. What is the exact position ( horizontal (from left) , vertical (from top) ) of the div ??
2 ответов
Consider a web page of width 1000px. What is the exact position ( horizontal (from left) , vertical (from top) ) of the div with id="second_inner_div"?
which of these do you think is the right answer??
800px - 950px, 100px - 200px
800px - 900px, 100px - 150px
800px - 900px , 50px - 100px
900px - 1000px, 50px - 100px
Answer: 800px - 900px , 50px - 100px
Explanation: Outer div is float right, so the range is 800px - 1000px. First inner div will doestnot contain float property, so first inner div will occupy the entire width of outer element so the position of first inner div is 800px -1000px and 0px - 50px from top. The second inner div will be below first inner div and the horizontal range is 800px - 900px because width property is defined for second inner div and height will start from 50px from top to 100px.