CHALLENGE: Friedman Number
A relative integer is a Friedman number if there is an expression using all of its digits equal to it. The mathematical operations allowed in this expression are: The four basic arithmetic operations: (+, -, /, *) Eventually, other operations such as: exponentiation, factorial, square root, root n-th For example: 374 is a Friedman number in base 10 because it is possible to write it in the form 73 + 4. Another example: 127 = -1 + 2 ^ 7 Parentheses are allowed, but only to change the order of operations: for example, 1024 = (4 - 2) 10. The use of parentheses without operators would result in trivial Friedman numbers like 24 = (24). Initial zeros are also not allowed for the same reason: 001729 = 1700 + 29. So the challenge is : Build a program that takes a number and display if this last one is a Friedman number or not. Good luck.