+ 8
Have you ever failed exams?
I just did. Sat and failed Microsoft 70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL. Scored 672 with 700 required to pass. Feel bad but fair game. I study databases less than 3 months. Prepared for this particular exam using official exam guide and some video lectures. Exam was tough but I clearly feel that I understudied, underpracticed and even what I learned is not yet properly settled in my head. Need more time, study, play with SQL Server and determination.
22 ответов
+ 12
Yes I failed many exams too haha!! It makes you more strong, and vital not to give up!! It hurts!!
+ 11
I've failed a few exams,everyone must have failed,its part of learning
+ 9
Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. Donald Trump
+ 6
Yeah, sounds too smart for Trump. Or he finally hired speechwriter?..
+ 6
never regret.. never give up try again... if u have done mistake u can learn from mistake.. it is a part of learning my friend
you are lucky actually you are learning from mistakes.
it is a part of life. you know what Einstein says..
benefit might be there once if you failed.. take care
+ 5
absolutely yes, I filled exams😂
But every time my motivation increases😉
to reach success🙌
+ 5
Oh yes... I have failed some exams😐
+ 4
lol.. only this quote :D
+ 2
survivor im not good at java
+ 2
thanks anyway
+ 1
SD never knew Indians liked trump😂
+ 1
I have failed in my academic exam subject of HTML 5 times. But now i am workig as a web developer in .Net technologies.
+ 1
I'm a student,still attend school
+ 1
me Am Economist but Programming is my passion. Am also Android developper
+ 1
+ 1
Yes, i failed more exams in my life than i'd like to admit, but you know what, when I failed I always came back with more motivation. I know people that think that if they fail, it's because they're not enough, and they can't do anything about it, as if our life was written somewhere... I feel sad for them, because that's not how it works. People can do everything they want, they just need determination, as you already said. If you really want it, you'll get it, guaranteed.
Never failed an exam
- 1
accept my challenge I'll beat. you
- 1
oh No problem. are a developper mobile, web, embarquer or what? what do you do??
- 1
are you**