+ 3

White space property values

what the meaning of: pre - text will only wrap on line breaks and white space pre-line - text will wrap where there is a break in code, but extra white space is still ignored pre-wrap - text will wrap when necessary, and on line breaks معنی این بالایی ها چیه (بجز خط اول)؟

3rd Feb 2018, 3:18 PM
Banoo - avatar
1 ответ
+ 3
[w3schools - CSS white-space property] https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_text_white-space.asp Line breaks are line separator character, on a standard text this would be the one you create by pressing Enter key on keyboard when editing the text. White spaces are word separator, on a standard text this would be the one you create by pressing (cmiiw) Spacebar, or Tab key on keyboard when editing the text. Extra (sequential) white spaces ignored means that if the text has more than one space characters the excess characters are assumed as one, e.g. "some text" → "some text". Hth, cmiiw
4th Mar 2018, 7:24 AM