+ 1
Evening peeps... Please i self taught myself php but I am having issues with php mail function. Can anyone help out maybe reach out to me via email.
2 ответов
+ 1
that's right be aware of "pishing"!
send mail by php:
just call the function is not enough and you must install some libs (phpmailer or pear) .
before all , you must have a "mail server" (a software ) and some companies like google have one.
but can use "mailtrap.io" because its free!
after do configs in your gmail provincy ,have message in your spam.
sounds boring.😥
best way (without any puzzling configuration)
if you can use laravel php framework
install "swift mailer" lib by composer and set the given informations (from mailtrap.io mail server) in mail.php
then you can use Mail::functions without any problem
finaly you can send email to anyone inbox 🍸😉