+ 2
In designing HTML backgrounds, between Java Script and CSS, which is most preferred? And why?
4 ответов
+ 7
HTML and HTML5 is more visible to most browsers, CSS is second, and PHP is like third, and JAVAScript is somewhere down the list.
I've used so many different browsers over the years and ran into these issues time and time again. Issues like this also depends on devices as well.
example: opera for pc and opera for mobile and so and so forth.
+ 6
I am not a web coder, but imo CSS had advanced a lot recently that I noticed web coder friends here utilizes CSS for animation effects, I guess when it comes to backward compatibility CSS is somewhat better, I'm using an aged device and can't view modern JS output without using a certain browser, but CSS works for my device, besides where JS is unsupported/disabled CSS wins hands down : )
+ 6
I just looked up a quick reference which may be helpful for you
+ 3
if your intention is static background, CSS is preferred. however if you want the background to change depending on user input, JavaScript is a better option for dynamic output.