+ 1
I can't find the way to the coding greatness...
Recently i found out that many among us code some really awesome stuff. Using libraries, frameworks and technologies i've never heard of, even when i constantly research my 2 progr. languages of choice. How can you be so good????? 0.0 What am i missing? Should i not aim for the moon?
7 ответов
+ 6
Well to be good you must be pragmatic!
But I believe no one was all good at the beginning, it's the number of projects you undergo that gives you the knowledge and understanding.
when we get stuck we go to stackoverflow, because there will be gurus there waiting to help, ones we get help we already know how it's done, so to be good is to try!
+ 10
you just don't code, practice and research enough, just keep to learn, don't look too much on others, look to yourself and try every day to be better, that can be your motivation, because you think that others are better from you, try to beat them...
+ 7
As they say, always shoot for them moon; even if you fail you'll land among the stars. ;)
As you mentioned in your post, you're noticing what others do, what they're using, and recognize that you're not familiar with them. That's an excellent opportunity to learn from them and progress yourself in the process. You didn't know of them before, but now you have a means to research them since you're now aware. As you move along, you'll gather an array of tools to help you out with whatever you're doing. You have access to one of the greatest tools on the planet; the internet. Utilize that resource to its fullest and you can become a really amazing programming. We didn't always have the resource, and it wasn't that long ago when that was the case.
As Meru said to you, you'll learn so much from undergoing projects and simply creating new things. You'll run into bugs and spend hours debugging them, which teaches you how to not do certain things and how to do other things. As well, as you run into the tasks of figuring out how you want to go about your ideas, you'll discover new things to meet that end.
As he also said, StackOverflow is an amazing resource and something I use in both my learning and professional career. Learn their rules and guidelines, then follow them, and you'll have a priceless resource at your fingertips.
Just like all skills, you'll want to just keep pounding on your craft. It's like learning a musical instrument. At first you're sloppy, don't know the notes, and you're just plucking at things hoping to make sound. As you keep practicing every day you begin to become better and better, then eventually you're effortlessly making beautiful music for all to hear.
Have patience and keep pushing forward. Things will work out for ya!
+ 3
+ 2
that make me feel confident. Thanks! :)
+ 1
@Jacob\ Marley thank a lot for the advice, feels honest :)
@Vulkan That is probably the thing to do. I'll do that.