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Can't understand set operations in python
def union(a, b): return print(a|b) union(10,20) #output = 30 union(2,3) #output = 3 def intersection(a, b): return print(a&b) intersection(10,20) #output = 0 intersection(2,3) #output = 2 How????? Please, can anyone explain it?
1 ответ
Your program actually performs 'bitwise' operation AND (&) and OR (|) between numbers, not 'set' operation.
Let's print the arguments and return values with binary format to see it clearly (e.g: print("my_int = ", "{0:08b}".format(my_int)))
To do 'set' operation, the input arguments need to be 'set' type, try using these variables instead and see the differences:
a = {10, 20}
b = {20, 30}