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Why I cant insert two background images seperated by comma in your Code-Editor (It doesnt show them in the integrated browser)?
4 ответов
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p {
padding: 30px;
background-image: url("green_photo.jpg"), url("somethingelseonyourserver.jpg");
color: white;
+ "integrated browser" (and most widely, sololearn code playground) require absolute urls
+ background images are listed from right to left ( meaning that most left url image will be on top of most right one, so need to have transparency and/or be smaller than the second one ^^ )
Working example:
body {
background-image: url("https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/illogicopedia/images/b/b3/Biohazard.png/revision/latest?cb=20080822114853"), url("https://www.dravenstales.ch/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/hirnverdreher_268.gif");
+ 2
If yours <p> tags are empty (doesnt have content, as '<p></p>'), the default height fit to zero, so the element doesn't have any surface to draw background: without content, one fix could be to set an explicit height...
Else, provide your complete code to let us able to help you debug your code ;)
Anyway, you could test by yourself if your urls are valid by applying your background definition on <body> rather that on <p> element ^^
@visph Thank you! I used two absolute urls (one including amazon, then two of sololearn and putted the logo (its png and has transparency) as first link but i saw only a whitr screen all time...
@visph Thanks or your fast help, I will try it later :) Really nice community here 🔥