+ 3
I want to start some programming project, but don't know where to start give some valuable suggestions(for 1st project)?
6 ответов
+ 14
Something above that would be, hopefully, something actual people would use. Such as a video game, a (discord?) chat bot, a phone app, or other program (text editor? or maybe I could use an browser add-on to get the best deals on lipstick heh).
At that point your practice has meaning behind it, you'll learn to actively improve and/or maintain something you wrote to make users far away from you happy without you personally doing anything. I find that motivating.
+ 13
Well it depends on how beginner you are. But I'll provide some suggestions.
Absolute beginner: fizz buzz (program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".)
Random generators of all kinds; super hero generator, kung-fu name generator, song name generator, etc. This can be done for SoloLearn code playground.
A little past the beginner stage, but a script that accomplishes some task such as downloading a bunch of images from a site, organizing and renaming files, gathering weather data, etc.
+ 5
I do all three you mentioned above, suggest something just above that? But thanks for response it's valuable for me ●_◎
+ 4
I recently began making a Sudoku game and it has become much more involved than I first thought it would be. You would think make a board, erase a bunch of numbers and it's good. not so much. I have 3 pieces for it so far
Python Script to produce numbers in 9x9 that follow that rules of sudoku (1-9 across, 1-9 up and down, and 1-9 in each 3x3 box). It makes thousands of them and saves them in a folder.
A second Python Script to go thru the potential puzzles and attempt to solve them. if they are viable puzzles it moves them to a separate folder for use in the game.
And finally I wrote a Java GUI to handle the sudoku board itself. it pulls a puzzle from the folder of viable puzzles and presents it for playing. C++ can probably handle this part very well
Each piece has unique challenges I didn't anticipate when I started this project. It is the first time I have used more than 1 language on a project.
+ 2
haha, thanks sir for sharing such an awesome idea @ash.
+ 2
Maybe some sorting algorithms they are basic and a good way to see how different data structures and processes can change the performance of the code and insights to the usefulness of different data structures as well as learn how to do something simple (but important ) well