+ 3
Can someone work on me in python over the next month to help me get ready for my alevel exam.
looking for a python daddy who wouldn't mind teaching me by setting me daily personalised challenges to keep me working and then me providing an answer and then going on from there. hopefully it would help u consolidate things u have learnt as well and I will be eternally grateful (and we can become lifelong friends). I'm not that great so some patience on ur side will be appreciated a thousand fold. thanks
21 ответ
+ 2
the colon is missing
+ 2
ohhhh I'm excited. thank u sensei for not making it easy for me. this code has me stumped but i will research it and post the answer. night✌
+ 2
😯😓 couple a hundred. bring it on😋
+ 1
ohhh ****. I wasn't expecting anyone to rise to the challenge. thank u very much
+ 1
so how we gonna do this
+ 1
lol, idk. that is the hard part. as far as I know, sololearn has no chat software
+ 1
OK, now the only way I can think of to do this is for me to post some codes, with defects, and sone comments, and you to try to fix them
+ 1
sounds wonderful. and thank u once again
+ 1
we'll make this as an ongoing thing and trade Q and A's here
+ 1
kk, I'll go make a code now, watch for Annie challenge one
+ 1
I'll get to fixing ur code by Tom night :). I'm gonna get some shut eye for now. goodnight wolfie
+ 1
take ur time
+ 1
it's not done yet, I still have a couple hundred lines of code to do, I'll say when im done, I just get to talking with a fren
I would love to help u out
what a bugger and I think we ain't allowed to share personal info on here
hmm, sure. it'll have to be in a few mins, I'm busy rite now
it's no prob :3
I know, I used that as a place holder, real thing is in progress. ur training will not be easy, and there will be many mistakes. just rewrite the code to fix it, when im done
yea, it will be as close to actual real world coding prob as I can make it