Does python3.3.3 has code playground???
i need help am a beginner with pyk3 i need the codeplayground for python but all i see is the python shell prompt and idle...what do i need to do to have the playground?
3 ответов
+ 1
There is a python playground. And it is python3. Do you use a PC or a smartphone to get to Sololearn?
The code playground here on sololearn already runs on python3.
If you are talking about desktop...
Open IDLE on desktop. It will by default run the python shell.
Now press Ctrl + N and it will open a new IDLE windows, in this window you can write the whole code and run it by pressing F5.
You can download PyCharm. It a Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
On Android:-
Download Pydroid3 or Qpython3
thank you guys very much...