+ 5

OFF TOPIC: Did you ever get bullied for being smart?

I remember getting straight A's at school. I was a nice kid too. Sadly this led to bullying so I started getting B's, and so the other straight A kids got a kicking instead. QUESTION: Did you ever get bullied as a child or adult? I even got bullied in the office once. People who are smart often get targeted (even if you're extremely humble and nice to others). I feel it is the smart people who work so hard to cure diseases like cancer. They created the internet, eradicated smallpox, created fresh drinking water for many people, and created antibiotics which has saved millions of lives. It's bizarre that smart people are targeted by people with delicate egos!

16th Apr 2018, 9:21 PM
11 ответов
+ 6
well if i remember anything at school its getting straight b's[joke:in case my parents see this].Ive never been bullied,perhaps its quite obvious since im quite built in real life.Also im not really sure bullies target smart people,anybody could be bullied!just saying
16th Apr 2018, 9:51 PM
᠌᠌Code X
᠌᠌Code X - avatar
+ 11
yes i agree with 🇳🇬Brains about the smart people being target by bullies anybody could be bullied,I also want to mention that each of us has personal experience in life that is not quite understantable especially when i watch "everyday" news with abhorrent crimes.but in the end still,its an experience as a human that happens to us.we're not in control with reality.
16th Apr 2018, 10:01 PM
)_) - avatar
+ 9
Can't get bullied if you have a few moves they don't like. I'm all for putting the bullies in the shoes of the victims, but let's just let the past be as it is. What I don't understand is how some people can just sit aside and let bullying take place.
17th Apr 2018, 1:27 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 7
It is actually pretty normal. Specially in school. It's usually jealousy that leads other kids to bully the smart one and smart ones are usually week when comes to body. (I was one) No need to make a big deal of it though, the less you care the less they will bother you. PS:Your writing doesn't exactly saying you'r a humble person ;) JK
16th Apr 2018, 10:04 PM
Farshad - avatar
+ 5
Just our monkey brains trying to come up with a pecking order, that's all. I've seen smart kids being bullied, smart kids not being bullied, and smart kids bullying others, so I don't think that's the main indicator. I think it's just that people who don't get into fights and arguments on a regular basis and rather do something else instead (like programming) are often easy targets.
16th Apr 2018, 10:54 PM
Schindlabua - avatar
+ 2
All great answers ☺ Wish I could give you all Best Answer. Happy coding ☺☺
16th Apr 2018, 10:13 PM
+ 2
This is normal. It's probably just because they feel threatened by greater intelects and are worried that you have an advantage over them. I believe this is just a primal instinct to react to anything, that could be considered superior, with anger.
16th Apr 2018, 10:36 PM
Abrahym Lettan
+ 2
Thanks everyone. Interesting and varied insights.
17th Apr 2018, 2:17 AM
+ 1
I find it very interesting that you are the only one to address this problem. I have looked for other posts on this topic and found only this.
16th Apr 2018, 10:40 PM
Abrahym Lettan
+ 1
Not really. I know how to fight pretty good, tho, so maybe that's part or it. And I have alot of family (we stick together down here in the south)
17th Apr 2018, 2:14 AM
Wolf Web
Wolf Web - avatar
i like how you excuse your tormentors by there “delicate egos”
29th Sep 2018, 5:39 PM