+ 5
HTML5 vs Flash
How long does Flash have left? What is its lifespan? Will there ever be an ActionScript file?
5 ответов
+ 2
Oh jeez...I gotta stop myself from going on a rant here...I'mma give you a breakdown of this stuff.
-Does not come with most browsers
-Generally not supported on Apple Devices
-Easy to use
-Actionscript makes it fairly easy for beginners to pick up
Not so powerful
Hard to grasp
Requires somewhat extensive javascript knowledge, so not-so beginner friendly
Comes with and is supported in most browsers without a separate installation
Supported on Apple Devices
Interactions on the webpage body itself can influence what's seen on the canvas
This is just a small list of pros and cons for html5 and flash. While it is true that flash is sort of dying out, I really hope it doesn't. A lot of the games that inspired me to look into game development were made with flash, so I hope more come that will encourage beginners to look into game development as well. Of course, with HTML5's support on all browsers and devices, it's kind of tough to beat despite its lack of power. I do not think, however, that html5 will end up replacing flash, as both have their strengths and weaknesses.
+ 5
I knew all of that. I was using this post to connect with someone from Kik. Besides, why would you go on a rant if someone could be a novice, have patience they'll see to it. Also not to mention, HTML5 is resource friendly and Flash is of more concern due to the possibility of malicious scripts.
+ 3
wow thats one big answer
+ 3
Chrome is still in the league of Browser Wars and will always be ahead of its competitors.
Lol, I mentioned the rant thing because I've seen so many posts complaining that one is better than the other for browser game development when really, they both have an equal amount of pros and cons. It really just comes down to preference and which you think would serve your particular project more.