+ 1
An entire program or piece of code of your own you're most proud of?
Whats a program or just even a block of code from a program that you feel proud of? Like something that you've worked on really hard and when you've finished it, you had that sense of achievement, like all that hard work really paid off in the end. For me, I haven't really programmed something that great, just some little games with pygame and some pretty okay python scripts.
4 ответов
+ 2
this is probably the best you'll see
+ 2
I litterally just finished this one. Spent all night on it. It was an extension of one the coding challenges posted yesterday... Most proud of all in all? Maybe not but I didn't sleep all night working on it so right now I am rather proud of the fact that it is working smoothly ☺
These are excellent codes.
I love the ones people make using html, css and js.