How detailed is Sololearn?
So once i finish a course such as HTML. Does Sololearn teach you everything you need to learn about tbat subject or is it just teaser information?
4 ответов
+ 5
It's learn to code site which includes basic/fundamentals only. advanced lessons from lesson factory may teach you a thing or two. but doesn't change the fact you will need to read from external resources; sooner or later.
If i were you, i would just start then fill the gaps from external resources while/or after learning from the course.
+ 1
SL get you basic informations only... If you want deep learn, there are other resources on net
+ 1
Solo Learn to programming is what line art is to a painting.
1% detail. It is an intro.
i see so it does only offer basics and to be really good at this i need to learn from outside. would you say codecademy is good to become pro?