+ 1
Ive completed the course, but what's next. Someone recommended Django for Python, but is there anythjng else I should explore before diving in? Thanks for your help.
What's next?
3 ответов
+ 2
I suggest a SCUBA certification for diving, but don't dive with your computer...or pythons.
- HackerRank for challenges, contests, rankings, branching out, job opportunities.
- StackExchange (StackOverflow by keyword: python) for harder real-world questions (best way to learn IMO).
- Answer questions on the forums.
- Start a github project, fork someone else's (or contribute)
- Get involved in the Internet of Things
- The book "Learn Python the Hard Way" (free)
I'll edit for more if I think of something.
+ 1
ya.u shiuld try django
+ 1
you should learn frameworks :
try learning,
flask or django
GUI like wxpython
etc have fun