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Can I Use This Code For If Else Statements Alternatively ?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x,a=5,b=4; x = 5>4?x=a:(x=b); /* can i replace "if else" code with this code ?? working is same so.. */ cout<< x; return 0; } Basically I'm new in programming i started with c++ n i think this question can clear my lots of doubts so help will be appreciated.. nd my english is not very good if i do any mistake in typing please clear it also..
15 ответов
+ 1
(condition) ? (if_true) : (if_false)
This is how it should be, so I would remove that x = at the beggining of your line, and the rest can be left as is.
+ 1
also for more information search for Ternary operator
+ 1
yes, it is exacly liek if else statement, just shortened. You can even create nested ternaries for multiple If else statements! And that is cool! but looks like mess sometimes
+ 1
oh, you mention someone by putting @ and then writing his name, like that: Happy
Also, please do not call me sir, I guess I may be same age as You are.When taking input from someone by using CIN, take one input line by line or by separating them:
or, if I remember correctly (I never do it that way tho):
You should be cool by doing thinga this way
+ 1
int main()
int x =0, a=0, b=0;
return 0;
+ 1
this one works great for me rho. when using code playground here and when you want to put two input values you have to send then in that first line, each one separeted by a new line
+ 1
yeah, just mention me and i will get a notification, will try to answer asap
Ty Paul Sir.
can i use it instead of if else statements ?
okey sir can i mention you when i need some help ?
if yes then also tell me how to mention bcz i don't know how to mention any person on any post ty
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int x,a,b;
cin>> a,b;
cout << x ;
now i set user input for values working is same is that correct sir ?
sorry for disturbing you again and again..
ofc, you can mention me any time and I am happy to help. To clear some thinh up too, it is good practice to initialize variables with 0 for example, to not meet any miatakes of wrong values on the way, so:
int x =0, a =0, b=0;
even when you know that they will change soon
okey bro.. :p
nycc too meet you
n i tried using
cin >>a;
cin >>b;
but it's not working always show 5 no matter a value is 5 or b value is 5 always 5 so i tried this way and it's works
are you trying this one on a pc or on the playground here??
I tried using playground and also in another compiler
//g++ 6.3.0
okey will try it tc c u soon bro tysm😊
for helping me..
now you're my broh😜
so i can disturb you anytime any time I'm right na😋😎