+ 9
Problem in sololearn's scoring
Just now I scored 6 points during a match with Denis Sokolov, but it is showing my score as 5 and I have lost the match Has anybody noticed the same thing?
8 ответов
+ 2
Yeah it happens most of the times and as far as i understood it is because after tie breaker question the points of both opponents which they gained are taken into consideration that means if u are level 9 and the other one is level 4 or 5 then he will win
+ 6
There might be problems with challenges right now. The app just updated so there can be ties, instead of one person getting the tiebreaker question. Could be a side-effect of that, not sure.
+ 6
after tie breaker question the points of both the players get reduced no matter the opponent gets the question right or wrong
that means both are in a loss
+ 6
Now the scoring criteria has changed
If there is a match between 2 players, one of lower level and another of higher , then if it is to be decided by a tie breaker question , then the lower level player earn XP and the higher one loses the same
No matter the answer was given by whom and was right or wrong
the higher level player will be in a loss and lower one will be in profit in terms of XP
But the match will be counted as a draw
+ 2
Yeah the decision making of this app is bit confusing sometimes
+ 1
yes, I also faced the same thing
+ 1
now it has changed
+ 1