+ 2
It is important to learn Html before learning JavaScript?
5 ответов
+ 7
Look at this example carefully:
<form action="url" method="GET">
<input type="text" id="first" placeholder="Type your first name" /> <!--Swarnab-->
<input type="text" id="last" placeholder="Type your last name" /> <!--Das-->
In JavaScript:
var firstName = document.getElementById("first");
var lastName = document.getElementById("last");
var fullName = firstName + "" + lastName; // full name Swarnab Das
In this example, you can see I used an id to get the first and last name from the form so if you know HTML it's really helpful for your career.
Keep learning!
+ 3
All depends on what you want to do. Learning HTML isn't mandatory but it is greatly recommended if you want to do js
+ 2
The javascript is a scripting language. to view and manipulate the output of html, we can use java script. Basic knowledge of html will help you to see proper output of your results.
+ 1
i agree with @ViralParekh If you want to learn JS you should definately learn html because learning HTML will increase the likely hood of you being able to understand JS
- 1
I'm lost