Why do my JavaScript codes fail to run
i tried an external and internal javascript codes but no.matter what it doesnt work ..why that
\n \nthis one?","upvoteCount":1},{"@type":"Answer","text":"Please insert your code. And what do you mean by \"internal\" and \"external\"? In and out of sololearn or?","upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Answer","text":"well on my computer\ni inserted all my codes in just one page...my friend asked to to try put his codes...i cant seem to figure out why it doesnt work...give me 2mins and i will send you all the codes","upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Answer","text":"\r\n\r\n\n\n
\n \n ","upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Answer","text":" \nContinue
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My name is Andrew and as of February, 2017, I am 16, soon to be 17. Please Like and follow, just seeing those upvotes makes me smile.
I love programming, HTML sparks my creative side, CSS helps me persue my minimalistic designs, and JavaScript fulfils my quote 'programmer' side. Programming to me is like puzzle, Everything has to fit perfectly for you to get good result.
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\ni tried an external and internal javascript codes but no.matter what it doesnt work ..why that