+ 2
Working of calender
looking at the coding it seems very simple. coding is just about 3-4 lines but i have no idea how it works. can you please help me out. if you know its working mechanism then please let me know it 😃. It would be a great help by you.
5 ответов
+ 8
that is the beauty of modules. someone else does all the work, you import it, use it, and you've just done something with a few lines of code. calendar is included with standard python, which is why it works on here. if we could install any 3rd party module, you would see much more impressive code on here. i suppose it's fun to work within limitations though.
+ 7
It works when you put it this way
import calendar
+ 3
You have to put the year that you wanna display then the month in 1-12 Range. Well Have Fun.
+ 1
Thanks Individed 😃
+ 1
#Ahri Fox
haha yeah it is :)
by the way, your way of expressing is wonderful