What's the best way to learn Ruby?
downloaded "interactive ruby" on Windows 10
23 ответов
+ 3
Start here, with Sololearn.
+ 1
I'm just having a hard time with puts and print
+ 1
Donna additionaly puts and prints write to a buffer and that buffer gets flushed to stdout, with puts that buffer gets flushed immediatly after each call, with print not necessarily if you don‘t use STDOUT.sync = true
+ 1
I put my laptop down for the night... I'm having a hard time explaining exactly what the problem is...
+ 1
i have no idea, i‘m not using windows. to use ruby in this app go to code playground and make a new code in ruby
+ 1
ok, so i just started the ruby tutorial so i can help you better. some tips:
the multiline examples might nor work in an interactive ruby session, you might have to make a script(a file where you write your code into with the file ending rb. if you execute your script by double clicking on it you might not see any output because the window is closed to fast you can solve this by using ruby path_to_ruby_script.rb in the command prompt) and write them down there(if you dont know how you could try the code playground and come back to it later). if you want to write multiple lines into the interactive ruby session you do it like this line1; line2;line3;....
maybe it solves some of your problems
could you elaborate more on what problem exactly?
when I open Interactive Ruby it seems like this (below text) is preventing the "print" command from creating two lines... it's just not like the example in this app is all...
irb (main):001:0>
I just don't see what's in this app such as...
1 hi!
2 therehello
you mean if you do something like:
irb (main):001:0>print "Hello\nHello"
you dont get two lines?
i think so
thats really strange. or do you mean something like print "Hello"; print "Hello" prints HelloHello
I'm sure it's just me... and I need to work on it more. Just frustrating when I'm stumped like this so early into something...
if you have trouble with irb you could alway use the codeplayground on sololearn instead and get back to it later when you have better unterstanding of ruby
What is "irb"?
interactive ruby, its the name of the program you have to type into the terminal to start it
ahhhhh... how do I get the apps version of Ruby?
*this app
ok... no worries! I do feel now that progress has been made... thanks
great stuff... everyone! really appreciate it #noexcuse