+ 2
How should I practice using JavaScript?
I have reached over halfway within the JavaScript course and my amazing brother said I should practice the JavaScript I'm learning instead of just learning it and that's that. I'm the kind of girl who needs a goal and my brother gives me challenges, but I haven't learned most of that stuff yet. Like creating a code that finds out the volume of whatever input you get. I don't know the HTML buttons for that. I need something that only involves JavaScript. I've just completed the Functions course so anything above in the JavaScript course I don't know. Any good challenges for me or suggestions in how I can practice it?
7 ответов
+ 12
These sites might help:
• https://www.hackerrank.com/
• https://www.codingame.com/
• https://www.topcoder.com/challenges/?pageIndex=1
• https://coderbyte.com/
• https://projecteuler.net/
• https://www.codechef.com/
• https://www.codeeval.com/
• https://www.codewars.com/
• https://leetcode.com/
• http://www.spoj.com/
Good Luck!
+ 11
You may play challenges using Js as weapon
+ 7
You can do algorithm/logic solely on JavaScript and use prompt and alert function for the input/output (I/O) part.
You can always use your browser to run the JS or otherwise JSFiddle is a good place to start, if you find Try It Online too complex for you. 😉
+ 4
challenges is a very good way
+ 3
Try some quizzes in play section they may be of help
+ 2
🐯🐯Gimba Abdul Aziz🐯🐯 Scorpia Rising Stellar Fox Hemath Kumar Zephyr Koo Muhd Khairul Amirin Bin Yaacob Thanks for your help! Will try all of them! ❤
just create JavaScript to which takes input from the HTML form and Reverse it and display again in the Same HTML page!!
Try this, if you are getting problems, just mention my name in the comment!!
I'll help you