+ 2

Which Programming Language is the most essential Language to learn first?

7th Jun 2018, 7:45 PM
Derina Pearlin D
Derina Pearlin D - avatar
7 ответов
+ 5
@McQueen By all means, look through the past year of threads and guess who you'll see happily (sometimes?) assisting them. lol It's not like I'm oblivious to the fact that people constantly ask the same thing over and over, as I'm answering them over and over. However, before you rush to judge them, maybe take into consideration that they're new people to SoloLearn that are trying to learn, so there is no need to condemn them when SoloLearn didn't put anything in place to effectively deal with it. Why? The discuss area is secondary to their primary purpose, as it should be at this point in time while they're growing. I give it to them though, the community/badge thing was very clever way of allowing them to focus on what they need to focus on. So a better question, if the customers of SoloLearn isn't your concern, why would you sit around feeling any type of way about their questions? More importantly, if you feel the need to moderate them, why wouldn't you do it in a productive and welcoming type of way instead, as one should? You could educate them on the rules, answer their question, and set them on the path to being a productive community member here. Am I wrong in thinking that? You're telling me to go look at the guidelines and such, but you couldn't be bothered to inform the OP of that, which makes yelling "duplicate!" nothing more than spam also. I don't think I need to link the guidelines for us to agree on that. I spend many hours every day (usually 8+) helping people in the discuss area, and I'd assume anyone else here that isn't asking a question would be doing the same, but maybe that's me rushing to judgments again. The issue isn't the new or old comers to SoloLearn, or the people asking questions, but the system itself and how it's designed to handle this situation. That isn't your fault, my fault, or their fault, so it's better if we work together as a community instead. So get on over here and give Ole Fata1 a hug, okay? :) I always have something to say and I always have a hug to give.
8th Jun 2018, 12:50 AM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 5
@Aethenosity Confidence is a virtue! ... or was it patience. No clue. I don't have time to worry about that; I need to go laugh at my own jokes. ;) It can't be worse than down voting a legit and thoughtful answer just because someone is mad at me. lol Unfortunately, the lack of proper sorting of posts makes it necessary sometimes, but between me and you, I'd vote for myself even outside of those moments. What can I say, I love me as much as I love you all. :D
8th Jun 2018, 12:55 AM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 3
I'm not sure what's worse, someone needing help and posting a duplicate question or purposeless spamming a reply that contains no substance to resolve anything. What do you think McQueen? ;) Regardless of what's worse, I'll respond to both of you anyways, so what's that say about me? No idea.
7th Jun 2018, 8:28 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 3
@McQueen "Fata1 Err0r All that for what ??? Anyway look at the guidelines my friend." I suppose you'd have to read it to understand it; it wasn't a vague or discrete response shrouded in mystery. I made sure I didn't rush to judgment and I even asked you questions to ensure you're able to explain yourself if you wished to do so since we're here to discuss and resolve. As mentioned, I've been here answering questions for nearly a year now, so I know the guidelines inside and out, which is why I can just as easily call you out on them as well. For example, both of us are spamming and directing things at each other, both of which is against the rules. We both should make "an effort to listen to and understand others with whom you may disagree," even though I'm simply "encouraging others to also be welcoming and respectful." I don't speak on things when I don't know what I'm talking about, and if I do, I directly state that in the beginning so it's known. I'm aware of my personality and that I'm rough around the edges; it must be annoying as hell conversing with me about stuff like this. However, if you feel that I'm wrong or inaccurate, please correct me so that I can improve myself. In all fairness, I'm a passive-aggressive ****hole sometimes, and I know that. I know it's hard to believe, but this isn't a conversation I even wanted to have. I hinted off to what you said indirectly so you could just fix it instead, but here we are. lol Saying "duplicate" to a new person and saying nothing more to assist them with learning the rules isn't helpful and is spam. Nothing wrong with having your own agenda, but presentation is everything, especially if you're representing another entity in the process of achieving your personal goal. Anyways, no hard feelings McQueen. I've nothing against you and truly wish you well. I know it's difficult dealing with me sometimes and my wife would quickly agree with that. I really hope you have an amazing day today brother.
8th Jun 2018, 1:26 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 2
All of them. If you can't learn all of them first, then you can't learn them at all; it's science. :) Seriously though, I only joke. There is no "first language" or "most essential" language to learn first. You need to ask other questions so you can make proper decisions upon your life. What are you wanting to do in the short/long term? What are your goals? Your dreams? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Where do you want to see yourself in 5 years? You'll want to base your decision off what will best compliment your vision of what you see yourself doing. If what you're wanting to do involves Java, then focus on that first. If it's c++, then focus on that instead. See what I mean? So, what are your goals and dreams? We can help you figure out a good starting point for it.
7th Jun 2018, 7:51 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 1
Fata1 Err0r look this question has been asked a million times over. go and and look at the community guidelines set by the moderators. Before you rush to judgement on something simple like this.
7th Jun 2018, 10:18 PM
Anthony Perez
+ 1
Fata1 Err0r All that for what ??? Anyway look at the guidelines my friend.
8th Jun 2018, 12:52 AM
Anthony Perez