+ 43
Should someone make lua tutorials?
16 ответов
+ 23
Lua is an open source language built on top of C programming language. Lua has its value across multiple platforms ranging from large server systems to small mobile applications. But the demand and popularity of the lua in the today's world is not as much of other programming languages. It can come here but it will take time for that.
You should request the to the SoloLearn Community for making the Lua course on SoloLearn
You can send them request via in-built feedback machinsim in the app or via mailing at info@sololearn.com.
Whereas there is still not any possibility of Lua course coming soon on SoloLearn
+ 14
it's 2 years since Gaige's request... :(
+ 7
Lua should definitely be here. It doesn't have professional relevance but I've been having to link people to other learning materials for making Garry's Mod addons, Stepmania themes, Roblox content, etc.
+ 3
+ 2
been almost.. 5 years
+ 1
+ 1
It has been 4 years...
+ 1
more than 5 years and still no lua tutorial :/
5 years
I downloaded it but I don't know what to do with it
6 years damm
Guys, pls have a look at Codecademy website; they have an excellent Lua coding Tutorial.
u may use that until sololearn makes one of it's own.
Besides u may have a look at these:
1. https://www.lua.org/start.html (official documentation)
2. https://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html (ebook)
3. LuaRocks (package manager - install and manage Lua modules.)
4. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/lua/index.htm - documentation from tutorials point. [extra reading]
it's 6 years since Gaige's request... :(
It's 2025. Still asking for it...
- 9
Given a number NN, generate a star pattern such that on the first line there are NNstars and on the subsequent lines the number of stars decreases by 1.
The pattern generated should have NN rows. In every row, every fifth star (*) is replaced with a hash (#).
Every row should have the required number of stars (*) and hash (#) symbols.
The code stub provided here is to be used. It calls the function generatePattern(). Your task is to complete the function.
First line will contain TT, number of testcases. Then the testcases follow.
Each testcase contains a single integer NN
For each testcase, print the star and hash pattern.
Subtask #1 (40 points): N≤15N≤15
Subtask #2 (60 points): original constraints