+ 1

How can I better learn the lessons?

I now teach two courses: HTML and Javascript, but I have such a problem - I'm not very good at remembering what I learned from gadgets. What can you advise me to do for better learning lessons?

13th Jun 2018, 7:07 AM
Сергей Силенко
2 ответов
Hello! Don't worry! It is absolutely normal to not know every single tag and keyword in the beginning. Important is to know where to look them up. (Either in your sololearn lessons or at w3schools.com) I recommend you to create your own website and apply what you've learned. Practicing is the best way to remember and also learn new stuff. Good luck!!
13th Jun 2018, 8:08 AM
Manuel Probst
+ 1
Thank you very much, Manuel Probst. Your council really helped me! Now I'm much better at remembering this all.
14th Jun 2018, 7:11 AM
Сергей Силенко