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WAP in C to find set difference of two arrays?
a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} b={2, 4, 5} result = {1,3,6}
9 ответов
+ 3
@ Jai Kumar Garg
DISCLAIMER: I haven't used C in mannnnnnny years (2001-02ish), so I'm use to the more modern languages that handle annoying stuff for you. lol With that being said, here is a simple solution for this. It has room to be improved upon, such as having it check the size of both arrays and create the result array based upon a more dynamic size for it. This could be a really round-about way of doing this, but for the sake of your question, it'll suffice.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main() {
int arrOne[8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,9,7}; // Our first array
int arrTwo[3] = {2,4,5}; // Our second array
int result[11]; // Where we'll store the results
int resCounter = 0; // Result counter
bool isSame = false; // Help track unique values
// Outer loop will iterate through our first array
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(arrOne)/sizeof(arrOne[0])); ++i) {
// Inner loop will iterate through our sescond array
for(int j = 0; j < (sizeof(arrTwo)/sizeof(arrTwo[0])); ++j) {
// Compare value from arrOne against arrTwo
// If it's the same as any, it's not unique
if(arrOne[i] == arrTwo[j]){
isSame = true;
// if isSame is false, it's unique. Store it.
if(isSame == false){
// Store value to result array
result[resCounter] = arrOne[i];
// Print unique value
printf("%d ", result[resCounter]);
// Increase result index by 1
} else {
isSame = false; // Reset our var for next iteration
return 0;
:::: OUTPUT :::::::
1 3 6 9 7
+ 4
What language you workin with?
+ 2
You can do it easily in ruby.
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
b = [2,4,5]
result = a - b
puts result
Try it yourself in the Ruby's Code Playground.
+ 2
int is_inset (int *a,int size_of_a,int bi){int i;for (i=0;i<size_of_a;i++){if(a[i]==bi){return 1;}}return -1;}
//elsewhere in the code
int is_in_a,i,k;
int *c;c= (int*)malloc(size_of_c*sizeof(int))
for(i=0,k=0;i <size_of_b;i++){
is_in_a=is_inset (a,size_of_a,b[i]);
if (is_in_a==-1){c [k]=b [i];}}
I didn't test it but thats approximately what I meant
I'm not happy with it I feel like it could be done better I'd be interested to see different (probably better ) ways to do it
+ 1
Fata1 Err0r in C
+ 1
Fata1 Err0r good but in worst case scenario the complexity will be O(n*m) can you reduce it to O(n+m). ☺️☺️
where n = length of a
m = length of b
you could make a function that tests if a element of a is in b and if the function return value doesn't indicate a is in b add that element to set c where a-b=c
Rational Agent it would be good if you can show
Rational Agent it's not gonna work