+ 10

What is required syllabus for be expert in C++?

Please write full syllabus and process. Thanks

26th Jun 2018, 11:10 AM
Shubham Patrick
Shubham Patrick - avatar
5 ответов
26th Jun 2018, 11:39 AM
hinanawi - avatar
+ 5
actually, you can be expert in any programming language if you practice more... you need to practice every time you learn something new and if you share it, it would be better... then anyone can share their experiences to you...and you can learn from them.. practice makes perfect...
27th Jun 2018, 8:52 AM
gita ang
gita ang - avatar
+ 4
1) go through the C++ course here on SL. 2) install GCC on your computer, and practice in VS code OR Notepad++ 3) Go through C++ coursed on Lynda.com https://www.lynda.com/C-training-tutorials/1250-0.html 4) Read books on C++. For example: Nicolai M. Josuttis The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference (2nd Edition) 5) Look at open source projects written in C++: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/links/libs 6) go to a conference: https://cppcon.org
27th Jun 2018, 3:05 PM
Bill Zelenko
Bill Zelenko - avatar
+ 3
practice makes man perfect if u practice ur codes daily thn no language is harder to learn
28th Jun 2018, 10:12 AM
sweta umrao
sweta umrao - avatar
+ 2
//simple primative data types:int, float, double, long, const, boolean(01), hexadecimal(0xc57c), char (‘A’), string(“words”) Operators: assignment(=,+=), comparison(==,!=), increment (++,—) control structures:if, for, do, while, switch, break //advanced Abstract data: arrays[], pointers & references(*, &), multidimentional arrays[][], list, vectors, pair, dequeue, queue, stack, set, map,enum, struct objects: classes, constructors, function overload, virtual functions, polymorphism, class and function templates, call by reference. STL: fstream, ctime, cstdlib, iterator, cerror, locale, memory, etc please dont be overwhelmed. to make this information more understandable, simply put them into a spreadsheet, define each in the next column and add code to the next column. this should add clarity to your learning.
27th Jun 2018, 8:13 AM
Logomonic Learning
Logomonic Learning - avatar