+ 30
How to quickly calculate the modulus without calculator??
All guys, how to quickly calculate modulus without using calculator, guys. Because Ruby, Python, Php, Java, Java, Javascript, C++, C#, and Other Language, use modulus for some calculations and many also used in " Question Challenge ". So, please tell how 🙏🙏🙏.
27 ответов
+ 15
Muhammad Akmal Naim you can do this by:
First doing the division such for 47/5 which will only let you go up to 45
Then for 47%5 you do 47-45 which is 3
+ 24
So basically the modulus function returns the remainder from the euclidian division of two numbers. Example: 15/2=2*7+1 so 15%2=1
Well there's no really a secret to it you have to know very well your multiplication tables but there are some tips and tricks:
-for 2: if the number is even then the remainder will be 0 otherwise 1
-for 5: if the number ends with 0 or 5 the remainder will be 0 otherwise it will ONLY be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
-for 3: if the sum of the number is divisible by 3 then the remainder will be 0. Example: 123%3=0 because 1+2+3=6 and 6=3*2 or 6%3=0
And there are others but then again, knowing very well your multiplication tables helps a whole lot.
+ 16
Thanks for answer, Agent. Very helpful
+ 16
Thanks for answer, David Masabo. Very helpful
+ 15
Thanks, suggestion Muhammad Hasan.
+ 15
Once again I thank you for the answer Muhammad Hasan, now i somewhat better understand how to calculate this modulus.
+ 15
Thanks Haris, for your answer. Very helpful
+ 15
Thanks, David Masabo, for your answer
+ 14
Thanks Lisa F, for your answer.
+ 13
but, how with
10 mod 7 = 3, however, if reversed
7 mod 10 = 7.
or other example
4 mod 3 = 1, however, if reversed
3 mod 4 = 3.
why 7 mod 10 the result remains 7 ??
please, answer Muhammad Hasan and Agent.
+ 13
Thanks Abenezer Kebede, for your answer.
+ 10
You can search it in the internet about modulus operation in mathematics, but maybe I'll give some lessons here
I am telling you how to calculate fastly so I assume you already know the basics of how to find a remainder
In mathematics
a ≡ b (mod c)
means there exist an integer k so that
a = bk+c
so b doesn't necessarily have to be a remainder of a divided by c, but if
b < c then b is called the remainder
9 ≡ 1 (mod 2) => 9 = (4)*2+1
but could also be
9 ≡ 3 (mod 2) => 9 = (3)*2+3
9 ≡ 5 (mod 2) => 9 = (2)*2+5
and so on...
Here's some of the fundamental formulas for modulo operation
If a ≡ m (mod c) and b ≡ n (mod c)
1) a+b (mod c) ≡ m+n (mod c)
2) (a*b) (mod c) ≡ (m*n) (mod c)
3) aⁿ (mod c) ≡ mⁿ (mod c)
4) FLT Theorem
If p prime and a is not divisible by p then a^(p-1) (mod p) ≡ a (mod p)
5) Wilson Theorem
Again if p prime then
(p-1)! ≡ p-1 (mod p)
There is also Chinese Remainder Theorem for more faster calculation and many more, but this is already too long
I hope this helps
+ 10
Because 7 (mod 10)
7 = (0)*10+7
so k = 0 in this case
(see the explanation I gave)
and because 7 < 10 so we'll have that 7 is the remainder of 7 divided by 10
Or an easier understanding for remainder is
number = floor(number/divider)*divider+remainder
*learn the function floor to understand more
+ 9
Here are a few examples
1) 10^2018 (mod 9)
2) 2017*2018*2019 (mod 2016)
3) 2017+2018+2019 (mod 2016)
1) Because 10 (mod 9) ≡ 1 (mod 9)
we could have
10^2018 (mod 9) ≡ (1)^2018 (mod 9)
≡ 1 (mod 9)
so the remainder is 1
2) It's easy to know that
2017 ≡ 1 (mod 2016)
2018 ≡ 2 (mod 2016)
2019 ≡ 3 (mod 2016)
2017*2018*2019 (mod 2016)
≡ (1)*(2)*(3) (mod 2016)
≡ 6 (mod 2016)
so the remainder is 6
3) Coming from number 2 we could have
2017+2018+2019 (mod 2016)
≡ (1)+(2)+(3) (mod 2016)
≡ 6 (mod 2016)
So the remainder is 6
+ 9
To tell you the truth, for "Question Challenges" you don't need that much understanding, you just have to understand the basic and have some practice
The explanation earlier that I gave is for harder question and maybe for someone who wants to know (If there was :v)
+ 8
Because you're from Indonesia I have a link where you should study this, it's very recommended 😉
(Non-Indonesians could try also)
Cara mengerjakan soal soal tentang modulo:
+ 8
10 cannot go into 7 so it starts at zero
7 - 0 = 7
this is always the case when they are reversed
+ 8
No problem
+ 8
Adi Pratama the C++ modulus operator is ‘%’.
The modulus operator finds the remainder of numbers when a integer devision occurs.
This example takes user input of a number and uses the modulus operatir to find out the remainder when dividing by 3
+ 8
mod <--> remainder of Euclidean division guys & girls
105 % 13 = 1
because 105 = 8 * 13 + 1
2018 % 5 = 3
because 2018 = 403 * 5 + 3
100 % 200 = 100
because 100 = 0 * 200 + 100
wiki on modulo operation: