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What's the best use of double and float in java ?
I am confused when using double and float
2 ответов
+ 8
The float data type can hold four bytes of memory (32 bits), and store about 7 digits.
Float is useful when you have large arrays of floating-point (decimal) numbers.
This helps save some memory for these processes. Therefore a number like 3.14159265359 would most likely get rounded to 3.141593. In Java, you can express the number literally, or in scientific notation (e.g. 1.99E02).
A double data type can hold 8 bytes (64 bits), and store about 15 digits after the decimal point.
It is almost double the float, and so we often say that a float is single-point precision, and a double is double-point precision.
But remember the issue with precision in float. The same thing happens with a double; things will get rounded/truncated after a certain value.
Thank you