+ 1
can help me .. i want to create a recursive function for search by binary search method, but i am still confused to thanks ....
2 ответов
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Firstly, understand binary search algo.
This algo searches for the element in the sorted array and returns its position if it exists.
now, about the function :
return type. int, as it return the array index
arguements :
1. sorted array(sort the array in ascending order before passing here)
2. start index
3. end index
4. elemnt to be searched
Now body of function:
if array[(start+end)/2] equals element then return (start+end)/2 i.e. middle element
else -> go for recursion with following conditions
1. if start>end -> return -1 i.e element not found
2. if element > array[(start+end)/2] i.e element is greater than the mid element .. call function with second half of aray i.e. start=(start+end)/2+1 and end = end
3. if element< array[(start+end)/2] i.e. element is less than the middle element call the function with first half of array i.e start=start and end = (start+end)/2-1
Try to make function yourself, If I will give you the function directly, then you are at loss, good luck
+ 2
thank you bro ...