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For someone who want to sell software products as a part time jobs and don't like freelancing
what is better in your opinion:- sell scripts and code in codecanyon, Sell WordPress plugins or buy themes?or you have another suggestion?
3 ответов
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I Think You Should sell your Script and Code in codecanyon
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I can't provide specific insights on codecanyon, but I can definitely say that WordPress plugins are extremely annoying, especially on the installation side (and very likely on the plugin development side).
Hey Yehia! Great question, and it's awesome that you're exploring part-time opportunities in software sales without diving into freelancing. I've been down a similar road, and here's my take.
Considering your preferences, selling scripts and code on platforms like CodeCanyon can be a solid choice. It allows you to showcase your coding skills, and there's a ready market for various scripts. However, it can be competitive. Read more about it here: https://techbehindit.com/how-to/market-software-development-services/
If you're all about that WordPress life, cashing in on crafting and hustling plugins might just be your golden ticket. The WordPress crew is perpetually hunting for dope plugins to jazz up their sites. It's a bit of a niche playground, but if you can nail the sweet spot between being hella functional and user-friendly, you're looking at some serious green. Get ready to ride the niche wave and stack that paper by providing the WordPress fam with plugins that make their websites pop.
Another option is to buy themes, customize them, and sell them. This can be less time-consuming than coding from scratch.
Remember, success often lies in finding your unique selling point. Understand the market demands, stay updated, and maybe even consider a combination of these options based on your skills.