+ 6
If "Post" method is more secure than the "Get" method, why anybody would use the "Get" method at all?
10 ответов
+ 13
Hi! GET request gives possibility to create link with parameters, but POST does not. Sometimes it's easier to send non-secure data with link, without making complex POST request.
+ 4
With GET method you don't have to implement a <form> for your data, just append them to the url ^^
+ 4
Of course, you will use GET method if you want your parameters to be visible. For example, if the front end user is filling biodata e.g name, date of birth, email address, phone number etc and you want the person to confirm what he has filled before submitting, then one can use GET method. But if it is something like PASSWORD, PIN etc, use POST. Feel free to ask me question. Cheers. Engr. Adewumi
+ 3
Aaaand, today's new word is:
That's why.
+ 3
GET variables are found in the URL, POST variables are passed in the body of the HTTP message..
The advantages of GET over POST therefore include:
-Pages can be bookmarked when using GET
-A form is not required to use a GET variable
-Browsers can cache GET requests for faster page delivery in the future
-Pages can be navigated without risk of sending data multiple times, as a POST request resends data whenever the page is revisited
-It is flexible to use, as data is visible to the user, so can be manipulated at his wish..
+ 2
when you want to also be able to pass the parameters as part of the url (and if security is not needed)
for example if you want links or bookmarks to that page with parameters added.
+ 2
In modern CRUD design there are more methods than post and get.
+ 1
GET method is faster than POST
In GET, your message will be transfered as a part of the URL ( Google search use that)
Some time you don't want that much of security of your highest priority is speed
a) Get is easier.
b) Google "REST"
c) For "crud"-comatibility: Get - Read, Post - Create, put - update/replace, patch - update/modify, delete - delete.
Google "crud" or "crud rest" for more info
ids sent to another page are caught through $_GET.