+ 4
How to view ONLY my public codes?
24 ответов
+ 5
KrOW but you can use a 🔒o 🔓 as the first character and make easy to see
(srry for my bad English)
+ 10
So, I guess I've found the correct way to do so. S. C.
Go to your settings. Under Activity Feed, turn off everything except for Codes. Refresh your profile. Tada, only your public codes are shown.
+ 8
S. C. Awwww OK then. :3
+ 7
sad, hope such a feature gets added.
+ 7
make a fake account and follow yourself😂😂😂
+ 6
+ 6
There is a tricky way to display only your public codes, using an old feature way of browser to execute js code as link url:
+ open your profile in a web browser (you must be connected to see the list of all your codes, both public and private)
+ copy and paste the snippet below in the address bar and valid it
The 'javascript:' url protocol in front of it (in place of 'http:' for a web address) is required to execute the js code in the actual page (to be a valid url)... some browsers as chrome on mobile device would delete it when pasting, so I suggest two workarounds to do before validate the url in this case:
1 > put it in front manually
2 > put a character in front before copying, and delete just this only one char
I have the habit to use the second way, as it better avoid typing mistake (wich will cause loading a search page in place of the acual targeted one), and usually put a '_' underline char in front of js protocol, so I give the code with it, but remember that you must delete it before validate the js url:
_javascript:(function(){var p=0,d=document,e=d.querySelectorAll('.code'),s=d.querySelectorAll('.code .switch input'),n=e.length,i=n;while(i--)if(s[i].value.toLowerCase()=='false')e[i].style.display='none';else p++;setTimeout(alert,150,'found:\n\n'+p+' public among '+n+'codes\n\n('+(n-p)+' private codes hidden)');})();
This js code snippet hide private codes from list, and alert count of total codes found, as well as count of public codes filtered and count of private codes hidden ;)
Last tips:
1 > Usually, when selecting url web page address field, the whole content is selected, so you just have to paste to replace it with the clipboard content... else you could select all with CTRL-A or 'select all' context menu entry (at least on android device) if you only have virtual keyboard
2 > A quick and easy way to go to the begin of the url, when the address field is activated (have focus, as just after pasting), is to hit the up arrow key, or the right one if all selected
+ 6
visph at this point its better develop a greasemonkey script 😉
+ 6
I don't know (I don't have searched for a replacement from a while), but even this is a good news, this sound like it is limited to Firefox, so cannot be used without installing both :P ... My solution should work widely, and is easily portable to such add-on, as well as could be set as bookmark ;)
+ 6
visph Hey i dont want depreciate your trick. My answer is started almost like a joke (i say almost because i really developing an userscript for SL). Your trick its useful i dont oppose to this, its valid as well Pablo Fac one but personally i hate js-bookmark-script and serch always for an automatic way to do (for this i prefer the userscript way). Anyway if really i discourage you to contribute at Q/A, its an your problem and only your because i dont have nothing of bad.
+ 5
greasemonkey is not available on mobile browsers ^^
+ 5
visph ViolentMonkey replace it on Firefox for Android 😊
+ 5
now calm down visph.
+ 5
Hatsy Rei I am not a cat! Aaaaawwing like that!
+ 4
good idea Pablo Fac™! but excuse my dumbness, how do I type those two locks?
+ 4
S. C. Just copy my next comment:
+ 4
thank you!
+ 4
visph Yes but you have to copy the js snippet any time... Futhermore most browsers have some support for userscripts (some with limitations)... Firefox, Sleipnir, Opera, Habit
+ 4
KrOW wrote: << but you have to copy the js snippet any time... >>
Not if you set it as a bookmark: it's just a valid url, all browsers should support that...
Anyway, that's not the question... it's a shame that I provide a solution script snippet, wich could be used in a lot of way (including those you've suggested), and you only try to depreciate it : that's my last comment about this subject, and your attitude only (continue to) discourage me to contribute to Q&A ^^
+ 4
I read your post on Modi's question.