Can you give some beginner Coding Challenges?
I'm just learning my first language (Python), and I'm enjoying myself so far. I've gotten to the Functional Programming chapter and am starting to really struggle though, as I'm not so good at math, and syntax is hard to memorize (Lists....Dictionaries.... and Sets, oh my!) I'd like to take a break from learning and begin coding instead, as there really isn't that much interactivity in the lessons. I'd like a coding challenge, but all of the official ones look very difficult, and require a in-depth understanding of the language your using. Does anybody have any beginner Challenges? I can't really give an experience level of any sort, though this is my first language, and I've been learning for a little more than a, preferably an easier exercise. If I could complete something on my own for once (unlike my calcululator), I think that would push me to keep going. I'd be willing to accept any general advise, too! Thank you all, hope you have a good day.