+ 6
Need Motivation
i am first time learning any language it feels so difficult for me!!!can anybody motivate me
14 ответов
+ 7
If you need motivation.
Get motivation and keep trying.
+ 8
If you really want to learn coding, go for it. Never give up. It seems impossible in the beginning but once you break the ice you will enjoy it. It would help a lot if you have someone to guide you from the beginning. Challenge yourself. Create goals and work hard to achieve it. Whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP! !
+ 5
https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/1461305/?ref=app I think this will help you :)
+ 4
Which language ????
If you mean HTML ,it is very simple language when comparing to others...
+ 4
when learning a language try more of practice than learning and visit the coding playgroud more often GOOD LUCK:-D
+ 3
It's hard in the beginning , Even Albert Eisenstein had to learn how to count Numbers before doing math.
+ 3
6 motivation tipps
1) Try to have fun, that‘s the better motivation !
2)Once you know a language, practice before learning another.
3)Keep in mind a project, even if it is something that seems impossible (for example to build an A.I)
4)Keep in mind a little project you can soon make
5) It‘s cool to get a new sololearn certificate...
6)Look at other sololerners‘ codes, it could be inspirational...
+ 1
actually in such an early phase you shouldn't actually have to worry much just try hard and match up to the expectations or goals you've setted for yourself.😎
+ 1
It easy after you learn it
+ 1
please do it!!!
Keep at it, Ahmed. It becomes easier as you go along.
How to motivate yourself? No way! Stay among the losers!
In the begining, it is normal to be difficult. In time, you will learn more easely the languagens becase they are very much in comom
Always keep in mind that from every course we learn new think and that think comes in your life only once......so learn the thinks with full of concentration...☺️