+ 1

Why we use href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Handlee" rel="stylesheet"> </head> . in html code with css .

What is its meaning?

2nd Sep 2018, 10:51 AM
rupyes kaur
rupyes kaur - avatar
3 ответов
+ 4
It's using the Google Font API to display custom font style. 😉 https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/getting_started
2nd Sep 2018, 10:59 AM
Zephyr Koo
Zephyr Koo - avatar
+ 2
You're welcome! 😉
2nd Sep 2018, 2:18 PM
Zephyr Koo
Zephyr Koo - avatar
+ 1
oh okay .... thank for explaining it ..
2nd Sep 2018, 1:56 PM
rupyes kaur
rupyes kaur - avatar