+ 26
Is there any consequences for person who dislike others answers at challenges without reasons?
It seems that many people disliked others without any reason. I really hate that person. You can see even at my upvotes. There are 21 upvotes, so there are 4 downvoters here...
23 ответов
+ 14
The downvoter should pay 5xp per downvote ! 😈🤔💡
+ 12
ok i edited my question. the point is i answered a challenges and i got some downvotes. Even i think my program works properly.
+ 10
if a question/answer/comment is spam like or inappropriate, i will down vote it, so I don't think a xp price is a good idea. maybe a limit to the number of downvotes it a 24 hour period.
if you think someone is abusing the downvote button, please tell a mod or report it here.
+ 10
Downvote abuse is against the Content Creation Guidelines. If you find suspicious activity, please alert a moderator.
+ 9
now I got 4 down votes. great.
+ 9
ok the main thing is symphaties. if there is a person with some downvotes and they have a good code, give them an upvotes. That's all that we can do.
+ 9
Hatsy Rei You can see you answer also is downvoted. There is no such thing in your answer to be downvoted. You're platinum mod and can see who downvoted yo' answer, this question and comments. It'll great if you take action.
+ 8
@HonFu From this point of view, it is valid. This is a very big problem in Stack Overflow because it really scares beginners. But it is only fair that the 'upvotes' should be controlled as well, because, frankly, they are very prostitute. When you follow a person here, it is common for them to go into your code / comment list by leaving 'upvotes' without even opening the messages or seeing the codes. They just go through the list, literally.
This system looks more like an "add game".
+ 8
Give moderators only downvote rights 👍👎 💗 🙆♂️🤗
+ 6
If you want persons like your post. Post relevant programming questions only in Q&A Discussion.
+ 6
ShortCode, I also experienced that.
Uploaded a code for an assignment, bam, not even five minutes later I was downvoted. Also the guys that came after me got shot down immediately.
At a point, the lowest TWENTY participants got downvotes. It was hard not to form an opinion of what was going on there ...
+ 6
•~•😺😺 cat😺James😺😺•~• : I changed my mind : 205xp ! 😅😂🤣 💗
+ 6
rfPeixoto, I agree, the whole upvoting and downvoting thing in itself is silly and we should be more interested in learning.
But consider for a moment what it means for a social network if people run around downvoting out of spite or to get ahead themselves.
It is mean, it's aggressive, it intimidates beginners and moves them away from the perception of others. It prevents that codes get recognized for their value (or missing value, because downvotes lose their meaning as well, abused like this).
Do you think that this generates a productive learning environment?
As long as there is a voting system, it should be in the best interest of everybody that it doesn't get abused!
+ 6
rfPeixoto, totally agree! I also got a few upvote showers, and obviously they don't feel as bad as downvotes. ;-)
On the other hand, what do you know about your code due to that kind of like? In many cases only that someone wants to be followed/upvoted back.
It corrupts the system, because if you blindly upvote your peers's codes or comments, upvotes more or less merely mean: 'I belong to a large group'.
Yeah, try to find quality code in that sort of system. ;-)
It is maybe harder to 'punish' blind upvoting than unjustified downvoting, though.
Roneel, that may be a borderline case: The downvoter maybe didn't recognize the comment as helpful. Entering an open discussion about it would obviously be more productive.
+ 5
bullies and they pay 200XP 😈😈😈
+ 5
The problem with strategic downvoting: If there's no SWIFT response, it will be too late.
In an online place like this where your visibility to others is strongly related to your upvotes, especially the early likes/dislikes can make a huge difference of how the race will go, since people will be influenced. (For details, see the link.)
In the case I mentioned above, I reported the matter immediately via e-mail.
Initially things got slowed down by the generic 'please send us the link to the code' response, which didn't make sense since a whole assignment was under attack.
Then I was assured that 'suspicious activity' would be removed 'soon'. That was 20 days ago, people are still sitting on their downvotes.
I don't want to disparage the work of the moderation here since I understand the difficulties. I just want to say: In case of strategic downvotes, time is of the essence!
+ 5
How about every participant of an assignment upvotes every single participant's code including his own? ;-)
+ 4
I think most of the people of SoloLearn community have much knowledge in providing upvotes and downvotes!!! The people who give downvotes without any reason, I think they have mental sickness!!
+ 4
In my humble opinion this is silly. The goal here is not to learn? If you care about 'downvotes' you are in the wrong social network.
+ 3
Samces, in my opinion downvotes are not a tool to express that you don't like a post or code all that much; they rather serve to express a strong disagreement!
For example if people don't behave, spam, are totally off-topic, maybe here or there for an assignment code that's really sloppy, doesn't even do what it's supposed to do, has obviously not even been tested...
For most cases, plain ignorance should be sufficient.