+ 16
*EPIC : Win 50 Challenges in a row
is available or not if any draw appears on row of victory?
19 ответов
+ 13
I had the same question on my mind.
+ 12
@Ajay @★★★ @SuspiciousUser @Leo
Thanks for feedback. The badge mechanism seems to be working fine. Just got my Epic badge minutes ago :>
- 50 wins in a row, neglecting draws and declines.
- 50 wins must be of same weapon.
+ 10
Hi guys...u have misconception about this...nothing is unfair about this...the thing is...
To get the epic badge...u need to win 50 challenges in a row in a single course without a challenge being lost in that course(no affect due to expired/declined/drawn challenges)...that's the case...so simple & fair...
+ 9
I think it is the most stupid part about sololearn's badges. You are encouraged (pushed) to challenge and to beat only newbies (noobs) to not get a draw. Is it a fair fight?? :-)
+ 8
guys I have done it.
I got epic! batch
+ 7
@Aibek Toroev How many times are you going to _loose_ (! at least making 4 out of 5 to loose points)? More of that: to loose when challenging a newbie! May be You have to improve your skills than?
So Epic badge is for those who is better (or even just "more lucky") in finding "fresh meat" who is ready to take a challenge while not having enough skills. :-) IMHO It's not a good kind of competition at all.
+ 4
I think you are right
I know it works for 5 challenges but it's not working for 50 challenges because I have won more than 50 challenges in a row.
+ 4
Thanks friends for aid. Now I have understood the batch sceme.
Thanks again
Happy New Year to all of you
+ 4
I contacted them few days ago and they told me that you should not have any draws which I find very hard to believe.
They also told me that my longest streak was 40 but if I count my draws there is no way that I made 40 wins in a row and no draws.
So there is 2 possibilities:
- The system is buggy for this badge
- Or, they have recently changed the system, and now any draw invalidate the current winning streak. It would mean that I made my 40 wins before the changes.
Whatever, I had between 75 and 100 wins (I stopped counting at some point) in a row with some draws (as well as declined and expired challenges). And I feel that it is very not rewarding and engaging to not having a badge like the Epic one when doing such a victory streak.
I even decided to only challenges the best Javascript challengers (and got a lot of decline) and ended up losing to @Dhaval Furia because in the end I thought that I will get the badge once I loose a match.
If they do not allow draws, it means to me that they do not know how challenges works in practice because even if you make 0 error during 50 challenges, you also need to pray that nobody gets the 5 answers which is more than unlikely for 50 challenges.
It feels like some badges and rewards where done or reworked without much toughts but I think its a bad thing because the badge and XP system are the things that are very engaging to the users. There should be better explanations for badges, and a badge tracking system would be very nice (but not easy to implement of course).
To conclude, I have lost a lot of my willingness to continue to challenges people now that I see that I will not get the badge I thought I would get given my winning streak.
What do you think about all of that? Could you tell me if you had any draw and still got your badge (even if according to the previous answer, everybody says that draw do not count, I would like to reiterate in order to contact the support again if necessary)
+ 4
I'm not sure this is working either. Hasn't even awarded me my 10 in a row badge!!!
Updated: Has awarded now. See post below
+ 3
happend to me with 5 wins in row,it's ok they will keep on counting next win .so i supose it is same thing for 50..
+ 3
guys it not works
+ 3
i have won around 75 challenges in a row but can't get epic batch
+ 3
I am at more than 50 JS challenges won in a row (I was able to verify this fact with my previous history) but still cannot get my badge...
Maybe it take into account the time at which the challenge was initiated to calcultate the challenge order, and thus I cannot strongly rely on my history, and I also need to wait for my ongoing challenges queue to be empty... ?
@ein sielder According to the previous comments it should work fine.
+ 3
I am now at 65 wins in a row in Javascript and I have no pending challenges, so I don't get why I do not have the badge...
+ 3
Thank you. I just contacted them through the feedback form. Wait and see...
+ 2
Does it matter if I play some java challenges and then play a c++ challenge and then again Java? Will the counter be reset?
+ 2
Btw, I think it must be 50 challenges in a row. I mean, draws break your continuity. I realized when i was about to get the badge of 10 challenges in a row, got a draw, after that got a win... and no badge. Then I could make 10 in row, but 50? Wohow man, too much skill. Anyways, congratz to anyway with that badge, nice job! Hope this post helps ;)
+ 2
FOLLOW UP : I just got awarded my 10 in a row, even though I'm on about 32 wins in a row with some draws and declined in there... I did submit to support to ask the question. Still no idea how this works, but one down. See what happens when / if I get to 50. I think a draw resets you back to zero. Declines do not.
If that's correct, not sure draws really incentivise the win streak the right way because it will make people only challenge newbies for easy wins.
Kind of like "please don't challenge me if you're good because I want to get to 50 Epic Wins Badge".
My opinion, this is not what makes the best community. We should be all challenging each other, learning at all levels without being penalised for draws. A draw is not a loss. To me, a streak should end when you lose. Getting 5 out 5 correct in a draw is still a good goal / achievement.