+ 3
Android vs Ionic vs Flutter
what is the best technology ? why ?
5 ответов
+ 3
I think ANDROID, because it is easy to maintain, and very fast
+ 7
Android from your list, but I hear Native Script and React Native are good too.
+ 6
i heared flutter is more advance than ionic (you need more knowledge) android is more fast because is native but i already i use ionic because y can do much things fast and it use angular and typescript so that help in the development
+ 1
in java-android you directly access android api and this will make your app faster and more stable , and you can do what ever you want.
but if you want to release your app for ios. and you are looking for cross platform tool. i suggest you react-native
+ 1
i am native android android ios developer. i started learn flutter. i think basic more than react native. another plus is visual studio code editor. Vsc have flutter plugin. it is working perfectly.