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Which language you have started with before you bacame exprienced coder
4 ответов
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Not expert too, but experiemenced...
Very first steps with Basic, quickly next looking at and learning assembler Z80 ( it was a long time ago :P ). In the same time, a few studying more "serious" language than Basic, like Turbo Pascal, C... but without lot of practice. A few years to do another's things than code ( but using computer as tool ), return to it with web world emergence with learn of Html, JavaScript... followed in the next years by Php, and CSS ( not already existing before ).
As I come to JavaScript early, I see its evolution, and fell in love too with him, finally helping me to understand oriented object concepts ( so, evolution of Php in this direction also help me ^^ ). Last recent times, I dive more seriously in Java and C++, Python and more superficially Ruby ( + on Rails ), and others languages avaible on SoloLearn courses ( I'm slowly getting better knowlendge in SQL, but without having implement it in any application for the time being...
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every coder or programmer is not perfect because every one is search the another feature or another thing in the programming language ,so how are do new logic or feature in that ,may be not say any one so don't be confuse any one is expert in programming language.
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I can't say that I'm an expert coder but I fell in love with js and that encouraged me to code.
I've been a LAMP full stack developer for 6 years.
I started with HTML, JS, and CSS. I then learned MySQL and PHP. Since then I have expanded the language toolbelt to include frameworks such as WordPress, Bootstrap, Appcelerator, and CodeIgniter