Kind of a hacker question...
Does anyone know how to install Metaploit on windows 10 Subsystem for Linux, like an easy way ? Follow up, is it possible to open and type in the Linux Subsystem using an automatic python Script ? I would like it to open up each time I just press a button. Thanks
15 ответов
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You can install Kali Linux from Microsoft store and then follow this guide: https://securityonline.info/install-metasploit-on-ubuntu-linux-mint/
If you want to just press a button and make it start, you can create an alias for 'msfconsole' command.
But, let me just tell you that though it will install, it will be almost useless in WSL environment. WSL is highly restricted in terms of functionality.
For instance, you cannot run a ping command. Good luck trying to run useful Metasploit commands.
I think it will be easier for you to install a Kali vertual machine and use Metasploit there. If your computer cannot handle the vertual machine, try dual booting windows and kali.
thanks so much !!
But from the dual-boot or kali vertual machine, could I use Python to open it and run metasploit ?
Like if I dual-booted kali linix, could I open the terminal and run commands from a python script ?
Okay, and can a python script open a terminal, and run commands in the terminal ?
Thanks so much !! :)
Another Thing, Does Metasploit Come Pre-Installed With the Linux System on a Dual-Boot ?
So metaplsoit does come in the dual boot / primary / virtual box ?
like which ones of those does it come in ?
Thank you so much
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A virtual machine does everything a real machine and and a dualbooted one does. Its like running the actual linux only difference is you have to open windows first then virual machine then Kali. So yes you can run whatever script you want there.
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Dualbooting simply means you install two operating systems on one physical machine. At startup, you choose which way you want to go. If you go the Kali route, it will be like kali is the only os there. Same is true for Windows.
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Yes. you just need to import os module
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If you install the standard kali linux, or parrot OS, you will find it there. there is a list of all tools kali:
Like I said before dual booting means you have two OS in your drive. What ever you install, it will come with everything that the OS needs.
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the only one that does not have metasploit is a wsl kali linux. the one you find on the Microsoft Store. Dual boot, primary and VB are all full installations of kali linux. The only difference is how you start it.