+ 2
This Question is to all Programmers.
Lots of people say that no one is perfect in all programming languages. My question is if I know the syntax and loops of everything rules of other programming languages why I can't be perfect in all programming languages. I don't know is this is a silly question because I'm a beginner.
5 ответов
+ 7
Kyra is perfect in JS.
Um, I meant...
Well the design can be crazy different in other languages. I doubt if you became a master in say, C++ or JS that you would understand how to handle functional programming, a completely different paradigm, for languages like Haskell, Lisp, etc. which needs completely different software design from object oriented. Or even from within object oriented, you would still need to think and design differently with something like Rust.
I'm only mentioning the tip of the iceberg on how different other languages can be. But let's say you're still perfect anyway at syntax, and understanding different programming paradigms. That's a good place to be but, then you get to the core of programming. Problem solving. You will need to understand every algorithm, data structure, ect, for every problem you encounter. And if you want to be perfect well, you're gonna be learning a lot of logic or math.
But even if you're perfect at all that, there is time. New technologies, new ideas
+ 5
Perhaps you're trying to classify something into only two absolute options - Perfect vs Imperfect.
Programming is just a tool. Ultimately, the program needs to do it's job and do it well. More specifically, that means fast execution, ease of maintainability, strong readability, future proof, etc. If the program can do all of that after a short dev phase, than the program mechanics, perfect or imperfect, don't really matter.
+ 4
Ahri Fox Honfu Jordan Huss Thanks alot.
+ 3
It is because lifetime is limited and a programming language is huge if you look at it as a whole!
For example just take a look at the documentation of python, look how much there is. And that is only the built-in standard material and there's a lot more to download from other sources!
Yeah in theory you can learn everything, but in reality you have to sleep sometimes, go to work or school, eat, cook, wash your laundry... or maybe you want to watch a movie, go for a walk, kiss a girl or boy... Even if you live like a monk and spend all your time and energy, at a point your brain will refuse to take up even one more bite.
So in most real life situations it would make sense to concentrate on getting GOOD at one thing or a few things instead of trying to be PERFECT (or even mediocre) at everything.
+ 3
To add to Jordan's words: Normally (also in other areas) you don't need to be absolutely perfect to make very good use of a skill. If you get to 90% of perfection, that's a damn good result (and usually the final 10% take so much time and effort that it's likely not efficient (in other words: worth it)).