+ 7
No output
5 ответов
+ 9
Where are you trying this code? It looks like something you would do in turbo c++ for a dos based system.
Neither graphics.h or conio.h are supported by the SoloLearn compiler.
+ 7
Good old Borland Graphical Interface!
Probably a copy/paste from an old tutorial but still valuable to tinker with!
Akash Singh rajput
If you want to stick with TC, that's a OK no problem. But non of those old carp are allowed here to mess with (right jay ?! ;) )
On the other hand, if you have a PC machine which have enough disk space (at least 5 GB in drive C) for installing an IDE like Visual C++ express with enough RAM (at least 2 GB) to launching it smoothly, and have an open heart to accept this transition from archaic to modern environment then I willingly urge you to visit this link and follow the instructions provided there.
For VC++: https://www.cs.colorado.edu/~main/bgi/visual/
+ 6
Ok. is a little better. But try to store the your code in this app/website and share by the link.
Because when you post the code directly here can be capped by the by word limit. And can generate a visual polution to the forum.
+ 4
int gd = DETECT, gm, area, temp1, temp2, left = 25, top =75;
void *p;
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TC\\BGI");
circle(50, 100, 25);
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, YELLOW);
floodfill(50, 100, YELLOW);
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
fillellipse(44, 85, 2, 6);
fillellipse(56, 85, 2, 6);
ellipse(50, 100, 205, 335, 20, 9);
ellipse(50, 100, 205, 335, 20, 10);
ellipse(50, 100, 205, 335, 20, 11);
area = imagesize(left, top, left + 50, top + 50);
p = malloc(area);
settextstyle(SANS_SERIF_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 2);
outtextxy(155, 451, "Smiling Face Animation");
rectangle(0, 0, 639, 449);
temp1 = 1 + random (588);
temp2 = 1 + random (380);
getimage(left, top, left + 50, top + 50, p);
putimage(left, top, p, XOR_PUT);
+ 2
Can you formulate better? What is giving no output? A code? Can you show it?