Write a code that reverses a String automatically In JS
The code must NOT include substr() or substring() methods
\r\n\r\n2) Example using the traditional approach to reverse the string:\r\n\r\n","upvoteCount":4},"suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can convert the string into an array, reverse the array and join the array elements to build the reversed string, and you can do all of this with just three simple methods!\n\nTry it yourself.","upvoteCount":5},{"@type":"Answer","text":"Thank all of you! I've already it! I Just wanted to See other possibilities of doing that, and I'm really impressed!! My code is:\n\nvar str = \"w3schools\";\n\nfunction reverse() {\nvar l = str.length;\nvar arr = []; \nvar arr1 = []; \nvar i; \nfor(i=0; i The code must NOT include substr() or substring() methodsWrite a code that reverses a String automatically In JS