I need some help with a blog layout.

Hi everyone. (Warning: I am not english,my mother language is hungarian) For CSS practice i randomly chose a tumblr blog and attemped to mimic its look without the actual tumblr functionality,just to see how am i going with my knowledge. Its not mine or not my friend's,i don't even understand what language is it written,just to make sure its not a trickery for getting views. Here's the blog: http:// jojokillah. tumblr. com/ I must say i got stuck in the beginning.I inspected the source code of the page,and it was obvious from the start that there's a header image,below that headings (1 and 3). The body has a background with an image,then another div with a black coloured background and a thick gray border and paragraphs inside of it ending with an unordered list with custom bulletpoints. I made the style and the more easy stuff like fonts and colors but i totally got clueless about how to force all blog posts in two thin columns with a space between them and spaces on the sides. Im not even sure if this project makes any sense without functionality,because i don't even understand the most of the source code. I get that the black area is a section.The two rows are divs with some random id from numbers.The class is called "post text masonry brick".I guess the id is calculated by some background automatism.The positions of these 'masonry bricks' (i have no idea what that means) are all absolute and none of them has the same position properties,so i see no point in manually add posts and chance their position accordingly to the original page if i don't understand the concept of whats going on. I put some code here : {CODE} <section id="blog" class="clearfix masonry" style="position: relative; height: 12943px;"> <div class="post text masonry-brick" id="178085184539" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"> <h2><a href="http://jojokillah.tumblr.com/post/178085184539/ennek-soha-sem-lesz-vége">Ennek soha sem lesz vége?</a></h2> <p>Lorem ipsum.....<br></p> <!--

23rd Nov 2018, 3:18 PM
James Sunderland
James Sunderland - avatar
2 ответов
Thank you!
24th Nov 2018, 8:10 AM
James Sunderland
James Sunderland - avatar