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Is there a feature in Scanner which is like br.readLine() in BufferedReader Like...I want to use conditional statements and loops with scanner apart from next()functions Are there more? Where do I get more lessons on this in Sololearn Where do I get more of these? https://www.sololearn.com/learn/Java/2220/?ref=app (Got it from a friend) I tried to search in the 'More on the topic' section but no results were found And also....How to use BufferedReader and Scanner together? I tried but wasn't successful....... . Which are the best and most useful packages in Java(for me and most people)

6th Dec 2018, 2:48 PM
Coding Niffler
Coding Niffler - avatar
1 ответ
+ 1
I can answer if you are asking where to find more Java lessons in Sololearn. Danijel has published many Java tutorials, you can find them here: https://code.sololearn.com/WKFF4vOCr3mi/?ref=app
6th Dec 2018, 4:15 PM
Gordon - avatar