+ 6
What will be the best programming language for making games?
I want to know this because I am wanting to making games for a long time but I don't know which one will be the best for making games.
29 ответов
+ 8
since you r thinking of gaming.
i know people who do it great on java.
but eventually you will feel the need of more languages than one for gaming and it is
easy to learn most languages after c++
so prefer learning c++ first.
+ 7
I don't think there's such a thing as the 'best' programming language for games. It depends on your platform, but by far the most popular is C++. Java for example is popular with Android. Not sure about iOS though...
+ 7
What kind of games you wanna make?
Simple web browser games? - Javascript
State of the art complex games? - C++
Mobile or something in the middle? - Java/c#
+ 4
I think c# would be best. It is also used in unity, so that will give you an easy platform to start.
+ 4
By performance, by features and possibilities, by far C ++ is the most popular for creating serious games. If you understand about AI and want to have an AI in your game, I recommend an in-depth study of the concepts of the language "Lua" for this.
+ 3
My recommendation to you is start with JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 and games oriented for Web since most of new consoles and mobiles have the capabilities of run HTML5 games via a web framework SDK in most cases it can be integrate to Eclipse or Visual Studio and using a sore of game engine or library as Phaser or Babylon JS you can make 2D games with the first and 3D games with the second. Both engines are open and have an extensive community of developers involved in forums and mailing lists. And if you don't want to configure anything use a cloud based development environment as Cloud9 and start coding there after dropping the Phaser library or the one that you prefer.
+ 3
java or if u hate java c# or c++
+ 3
Java for pc games
c++ for mobile games
if u hate java use c#
+ 3
i dont hate java but i know that a lot of people hate it
+ 3
HTML (Use CSS and JS), Java, C++, C#
+ 2
I want to do video game development as well, and I started with C++ and now I'm doing Java. I'm finding Java much easier to learn because I know the basics in C++.
However, Java is easier so I would recommend doing it first.
+ 2
if you wish to make a game engine first then to make the game you wish you are better of learning c++ or java, but if u only want to make a game then i suggest you would look for game engines and see wich one suits your needs.
+ 2
I watching game develop and C++ is Boss in 3D.... Ideal with LUA. this is like a Pro ;-)
+ 2
if you want to make small games like snake games then i prefer c++ but if you are looking for bigger games then python is the easiest and fastest one which you can choose you can make online games too but if you need greate speed only then go for java but i think python is awesome
+ 1
If you're just starting out, I'd recommend trying out unity.
It's compatible with c# and JavaScript (EDIT: my bad it's actually unityScript) (though I'd personally recommend c# over it anyway).
they have good noob friendly tutorials to make games from scratch. Here's one to make a Super Monkey Ball kind of game :
+ 1
For PC games C++ or C# (I prefer C++), for mobile apps Java ;D
+ 1
I prefer you learnt first c++
+ 1
c# for unity is sure the best bet. But you have several valid alternatives; even python is viable today. Also consider scripting languages, they are a easy introduction to programming altogether(godot gd script springs in mind).
+ 1
Java or C++ depends on
+ 1
I don't even know how to make an engine and yes I know what an engine is.