+ 2
How to Play sound file in a web-page in the background Automatically when the webpage open??
I want to play a sound file on my web-page in the back-ground(don't want Media player UI to appear), my web-site will run on Fire-Fox, i used the Embed element and set the Hidden attribute to be true <embed name="myMusic" src="Masgon.mp3" type="audio/midi" autostart="false" Hidden="true" loop="true"></embed> the problem is that no sound is played unless i removed the hidden attribute on this case the sound file is played and the media player UI appears but i don't want that.
10 ответов
+ 4
Lucky Luke I mean where should i store audio file to use it in sololearn playground?
Can i use my googgle drive ?
+ 3
Can i add music from any website directly
+ 3
Lucky Luke i was tried many times in different way to link this file (mp3) but i fail to play it on browser . There were no sound..
+ 3
Lucky Luke if i remove the hidden attribure and store the music file in source folder , (using visual studio code ) then it work properly but if i use it on sololearn code playground from my drive or any other sourse like ganna.com then i am fail to play .
+ 1
You can use the audio element.
If you don't want it to appear, you can try setting visibility: hidden in the CSS rules.
You can add the autoplay attribute to make it start playing as soon as the page loads.
Sonu Kumar What exactly do you mean?
Sonu Kumar To tell you the truth, I don't know, but I can't think of any other way. You can try it to see if it works.
Delete the visibility: hidden rule and see if an audio element appears. If it appears, try to play the music.
Then you need a different approach. Check out this code which uses background music (especially the song and change functions)
Try setting "autostart: true" .